When selecting wall paint for your living room, choose a shade that will enhance the existing decor. You can choose between a number of different color families and shades to achieve the desired effect. Keep in mind that your living room is probably going to be used as a family space, so you should choose a color that will blend with it. There are many ways to incorporate metallics into your decorating scheme. Here are a few of your options:
If you’re decorating with feng shui principles, consider using a feature wall to highlight an architectural feature. This way, you’ll be able to draw the eye to a specific area in the room. Traditional living rooms often have a feature wall behind the TV, or the fireplace. These are obvious focal points, so they’re the perfect place to use a feature-wall. You can also choose a color that goes well with the colors in the rest of the house, such as a warm yellow or orange.
While you’re deciding on the color for your living room, you’ll want to consider the finish of your trim. Whether it’s traditional or modern, you’ll want to match the walls to the trim. Modern paint finishes are more versatile than caulk-board flat. Most homes have an eggshell finish on their walls. It looks like a flat, but has a semi-gloss finish. It also dries quickly and easily, making it a popular choice for mudrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms.
The best choice for a living room wall paint is an eggshell finish. This type is suitable for common areas but is not recommended for a family with small children. For the living room, consider satin or eggshell paint. These are slightly glossier than eggshell, but do not look as shiny as satin. In high-traffic areas, satin paint is a good choice. This type of finish can resist light scrubbing.
If you’re painting your living room, you’ll need to consider the finish of the paint. Eggshell is a good choice for a living room. This type of paint is durable and can withstand heavy use. However, if you’re decorating with kids, you should think about choosing an eggshell finish. If your living room will be used by children, it’s best to choose a more resilient finish.
Depending on the location of your living room, you may want to add a feature wall. In this case, you’ll want to choose a paint color that matches the architecture of the space. The traditional approach is to paint the entire wall. The fireplace and TV are typically the most prominent features in a living room, so they’ll be the obvious focal point. The color of the walls should match the decor and the furnishings in the room.