Smart home devices are all the craze amongst homeowners. Whether they’re reminding you of your shopping list, changing the lights, reading you recipes, or monitoring your home – they’re constantly trying to make your life easier. If you’re looking to deck out your home with the latest and greatest, but don’t quite know what to purchase – this list is for you!
#5 – Eve Energy
Starting small, we have the Eve Energy Smart Plug. Don’t be fooled, however. This little thing is extremely useful. For starters, if you’ve ever been wondering which device has been driving up your electric bill, plug them into this bad boy. It will do its best to estimate energy usage and how much those devices will cost to power in your home.
#4 – Ring Doorbell
From Shark Tank all the way to the hearts of homeowners across the world, the Ring Doorbell is an absolute must-have. They’re also quite known for capturing the most unexpected moments that can lead to a good laugh down the road.
Not only can the Ring Doorbell monitor your front door, but it can also act as a great crime deterrent. In fact, the LAPD recently conducted a study that provided some shocking data. They took two different neighborhoods: one with hardly any Ring Doorbells, and one with a high concentration of them. Over time, they came to the conclusion that the neighborhood with Ring Doorbells experienced 50% less burglaries than the neighborhood without. That’s a substantial difference!
#3 – Nest Learning Thermostat
If you live in an area that experiences extreme heat or cold, this pick is essential. Air conditioning is a sweet commodity. However, it’s also known to drive up your electric bill. That’s when the Nest Learning Thermostat comes in handy. As soon as it’s installed it will begin learning your temperature habits. It’ll focus on saving you money while also keeping you cool. It can also learn when you leave your home, so that if you forget to turn off your A/C – it’ll do it for you.
#2 – Amazon Echo
Ever since its debut, Amazon’s Echo devices have been an integral part of homes across the world. Once you begin to depend on it, your life will never be the same. If you’re in the middle of cooking but forget the recipe, ask Alexa – she’ll know. If you’re in the store and blanking on what you need to buy, use the Alexa app – she’ll remind you. Long story short, the Amazon Echo definitely has your best interest in mind.
#1 – Google Nest Hub
The Google Nest Hub is the centerpiece of the whole operation. It can be used to control all of your smart devices in one place. One of its most practical uses is the intercom system. With a small command, you can project your voice across all the Google Nest products in your home. This will come in handy if you have a big home and your kids never hear you call them for dinner!
Smart Devices Everywhere!
You may be thinking: “Is having all these smart devices really practical?” I’d say yes, it is. If you’ve never owned a smart device before, you’re probably used to doing everything yourself. Having these smart devices is a great way to eliminate the little things around the house that take up too much time. Give yourself a break and let the robots handle it! Find the best electricians in your area and book your smart home install today.